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- Liypond Musik einfärben
- Liste der X11-Farben generieren
- Liste der X11-Farben mit Farbmuster
- Farben in Lilypond
- Tabelle von Goldschattierungen
- Liste der CSS Farben mit Farbmuster
- Liste der 140 HTML Standard Farbnamen mit Hex- und RGB Code
- LSR Mirror #394: Using Scheme to create a list of all available X11 colors
- Farbnamen in der Vollversion von SVG 1.1
- Notation: A.7 List of colors
- Notation: Farbige Objekte
- Color Picker auf w3schools
HTML name | R G B
| |
| |
Pink colors | ||
Pink |
FF C0 CB |
255 192 203
LightPink |
FF B6 C1 |
255 182 193
HotPink |
FF 69 B4 |
255 105 180
DeepPink |
FF 14 93 |
255 20 147
PaleVioletRed |
DB 70 93 |
219 112 147
MediumVioletRed |
C7 15 85 |
199 21 133
Red colors | ||
LightSalmon |
FF A0 7A |
255 160 122
Salmon |
FA 80 72 |
250 128 114
DarkSalmon |
E9 96 7A |
233 150 122
LightCoral |
F0 80 80 |
240 128 128
IndianRed |
CD 5C 5C |
205 92 92
Crimson |
DC 14 3C |
220 20 60
Firebrick |
B2 22 22 |
178 34 34
DarkRed |
8B 00 00 |
139 0 0
Red |
FF 00 00 |
255 0 0
Orange colors | ||
OrangeRed |
FF 45 00 |
255 69 0
Tomato |
FF 63 47 |
255 99 71
Coral |
FF 7F 50 |
255 127 80
DarkOrange |
FF 8C 00 |
255 140 0
Orange |
FF A5 00 |
255 165 0
Yellow colors | ||
Yellow |
FF FF 00 |
255 255 0
LightYellow |
FF FF E0 |
255 255 224
LemonChiffon |
255 250 205
LightGoldenrodYellow |
FA FA D2 |
250 250 210
PapayaWhip |
FF EF D5 |
255 239 213
Moccasin |
FF E4 B5 |
255 228 181
PeachPuff |
FF DA B9 |
255 218 185
PaleGoldenrod |
EE E8 AA |
238 232 170
Khaki |
F0 E6 8C |
240 230 140
DarkKhaki |
BD B7 6B |
189 183 107
Gold |
FF D7 00 |
255 215 0
Brown colors | ||
Cornsilk |
FF F8 DC |
255 248 220
BlanchedAlmond |
255 235 205
Bisque |
FF E4 C4 |
255 228 196
NavajoWhite |
255 222 173
Wheat |
F5 DE B3 |
245 222 179
Burlywood |
DE B8 87 |
222 184 135
Tan |
D2 B4 8C |
210 180 140
RosyBrown |
BC 8F 8F |
188 143 143
SandyBrown |
F4 A4 60 |
244 164 96
Goldenrod |
DA A5 20 |
218 165 32
DarkGoldenrod |
B8 86 0B |
184 134 11
Peru |
CD 85 3F |
205 133 63
Chocolate |
D2 69 1E |
210 105 30
SaddleBrown |
8B 45 13 |
139 69 19
Sienna |
A0 52 2D |
160 82 45
Brown |
A5 2A 2A |
165 42 42
Maroon |
80 00 00 |
128 0 0
HTML name | R G B
| |
| |
Green colors | ||
DarkOliveGreen |
55 6B 2F |
85 107 47
Olive |
80 80 00 |
128 128 0
OliveDrab |
6B 8E 23 |
107 142 35
YellowGreen |
9A CD 32 |
154 205 50
LimeGreen |
32 CD 32 |
50 205 50
Lime |
00 FF 00 |
0 255 0
LawnGreen |
7C FC 00 |
124 252 0
Chartreuse |
7F FF 00 |
127 255 0
GreenYellow |
AD FF 2F |
173 255 47
SpringGreen |
00 FF 7F |
0 255 127
MediumSpringGreen |
00 FA 9A |
0 250 154
LightGreen |
90 EE 90 |
144 238 144
PaleGreen |
98 FB 98 |
152 251 152
DarkSeaGreen |
8F BC 8F |
143 188 143
MediumAquamarine |
66 CD AA |
102 205 170
MediumSeaGreen |
3C B3 71 |
60 179 113
SeaGreen |
2E 8B 57 |
46 139 87
ForestGreen |
22 8B 22 |
34 139 34
Green |
00 80 00 |
0 128 0
DarkGreen |
00 64 00 |
0 100 0
Cyan colors | ||
Aqua |
00 FF FF |
0 255 255
Cyan |
00 FF FF |
0 255 255
LightCyan |
E0 FF FF |
224 255 255
PaleTurquoise |
175 238 238
Aquamarine |
7F FF D4 |
127 255 212
Turquoise |
40 E0 D0 |
64 224 208
MediumTurquoise |
48 D1 CC |
72 209 204
DarkTurquoise |
00 CE D1 |
0 206 209
LightSeaGreen |
20 B2 AA |
32 178 170
CadetBlue |
5F 9E A0 |
95 158 160
DarkCyan |
00 8B 8B |
0 139 139
Teal |
00 80 80 |
0 128 128
Blue colors | ||
LightSteelBlue |
B0 C4 DE |
176 196 222
PowderBlue |
B0 E0 E6 |
176 224 230
LightBlue |
AD D8 E6 |
173 216 230
SkyBlue |
87 CE EB |
135 206 235
LightSkyBlue |
87 CE FA |
135 206 250
DeepSkyBlue |
00 BF FF |
0 191 255
DodgerBlue |
1E 90 FF |
30 144 255
CornflowerBlue |
64 95 ED |
100 149 237
SteelBlue |
46 82 B4 |
70 130 180
RoyalBlue |
41 69 E1 |
65 105 225
Blue |
00 00 FF |
0 0 255
MediumBlue |
00 00 CD |
0 0 205
DarkBlue |
00 00 8B |
0 0 139
Navy |
00 00 80 |
0 0 128
MidnightBlue |
19 19 70 |
25 25 112
HTML name | R G B
| |
| |
Purple, violet, and magenta colors | ||
Lavender |
E6 E6 FA |
230 230 250
Thistle |
D8 BF D8 |
216 191 216
Plum |
DD A0 DD |
221 160 221
Violet |
EE 82 EE |
238 130 238
Orchid |
DA 70 D6 |
218 112 214
Fuchsia |
FF 00 FF |
255 0 255
Magenta |
FF 00 FF |
255 0 255
MediumOrchid |
BA 55 D3 |
186 85 211
MediumPurple |
93 70 DB |
147 112 219
BlueViolet |
8A 2B E2 |
138 43 226
DarkViolet |
94 00 D3 |
148 0 211
DarkOrchid |
99 32 CC |
153 50 204
DarkMagenta |
8B 00 8B |
139 0 139
Purple |
80 00 80 |
128 0 128
Indigo |
4B 00 82 |
75 0 130
DarkSlateBlue |
48 3D 8B |
72 61 139
SlateBlue |
6A 5A CD |
106 90 205
MediumSlateBlue |
7B 68 EE |
123 104 238
White colors | ||
White |
255 255 255
Snow |
255 250 250
Honeydew |
F0 FF F0 |
240 255 240
MintCream |
F5 FF FA |
245 255 250
Azure |
F0 FF FF |
240 255 255
AliceBlue |
F0 F8 FF |
240 248 255
GhostWhite |
F8 F8 FF |
248 248 255
WhiteSmoke |
F5 F5 F5 |
245 245 245
Seashell |
FF F5 EE |
255 245 238
Beige |
F5 F5 DC |
245 245 220
OldLace |
FD F5 E6 |
253 245 230
FloralWhite |
FF FA F0 |
255 250 240
Ivory |
FF FF F0 |
255 255 240
AntiqueWhite |
FA EB D7 |
250 235 215
Linen |
FA F0 E6 |
250 240 230
LavenderBlush |
FF F0 F5 |
255 240 245
MistyRose |
FF E4 E1 |
255 228 225
Gray and black colors | ||
Gainsboro |
220 220 220
LightGray |
D3 D3 D3 |
211 211 211
Silver |
C0 C0 C0 |
192 192 192
DarkGray |
A9 A9 A9 |
169 169 169
Gray |
80 80 80 |
128 128 128
DimGray |
69 69 69 |
105 105 105
LightSlateGray |
77 88 99 |
119 136 153
SlateGray |
70 80 90 |
112 128 144
DarkSlateGray |
2F 4F 4F |
47 79 79
Black |
00 00 00 |
0 0 0
Seiten in der Kategorie „Color“
Folgende 14 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 14 insgesamt.
Medien in der Kategorie „Color“
Folgende 6 Dateien sind in dieser Kategorie, von 6 insgesamt.
Animated rainbow gradient.svg 512 × 512; 2 KB
Blue gradients.svg 512 × 342; 3 KB
ColorMusic.png 1.526 × 251; 32 KB
Farbkreis mit subtraktiver Farbmischung.svg 512 × 489; 1 KB
Goldene Kreise.svg 512 × 1.024; 2 KB
Metallic gradients.svg 512 × 717; 14 KB